Sunday, August 5, 2012


It  has been a very busy week as I prepare to open our new Etsy Shop. Trying to familiarize myself with the In's and Outs of selling on Etsy. I am very excited and ready to take this next step in growing the business.

But, trying to balance the kids, the business and family affairs has become exhausting. SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE! I just finished reading CRUSH IT by Gary Vaynerchuk and a must read for In-Home Businesses. It outlines the best way to use the Internet to help grow your business and clientele. I am a firm believer that knowledge and action are top keys to success. I try my best to know my business, welcome and strive for growth and never stop learning.

Our Etsy Shop should be open by 8/15/2012. I hope our followers will become one of our "Admirers" at  If you already own one of your own Etsy Shops we would love to hear from you and get some tips on how you become a success. is a wonderful place to purchase some unique gifts for the upcoming holiday's. And in future posts I will be sharing some of our favorite finds.

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